Tuesday, February 10, 2009

High in Fiber

Eating alone sucks and I do my best to never eat alone. Going to school meant I was always eating lunch at the same time as a bunch of other kids so eating alone was never really an issue. This does, however, sometimes pose problems.

Almost every single day of school I would have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This sammich usually came with milk, I favor chocolate, and usually two sides (perhaps some chips and some cookies), and possibly another drink like a Capri Sun or something. So, it was quite the meal.

So I started eating with a band friend. Oh what the Hell, let's go ahead and name him. So Sentell and I were eating lunch together. We started being friends by being friends by association by merit of both being band members. By this point we were pretty good friends. It was also at this point he started stealing parts of my lunch. It wasn't anything major. I really didn't need to eat all that much so I could part with my chips as such or my second drink. He was also my ride home for leaving school early. It was a small price to pay.

Anyways, this memory is of one fateful day. It started like normal: he stole my bag of chips. Then something new happened: I promptly snatched them back from his hand. He next tried for my cookies and missed. He tried a third and final time. He grabbed ahold of my napkin. He then ate it.

That was the last trimester of our senior year.

You have to admire his tenacity.

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