Sunday, February 15, 2009

How I Met My Mother-in-Law

2006. April.

Instead of a music memory, here's another food memory.

I started the morning by going to visit my brother and sister-in-law (as in his wife, not Judith's sister) at their apartment in Houston. We went out to eat at a place called Prince's, which is a pseudo 50's diner place. I had a 1/3 of a pound of burger with avocado. I had a mountain of fries and a milkshake to go with it. So, foodwise I was sated.

We went back to my brother's and left for home shortly thereafter. A few minutes after I got home, I went to Judith's. She had invited me over for her mother's birthday. Her old place was a just few minutes so I was there in short order.

I was greeted by Judith and then promptly herded to the table, which had pipian, which is a pork dish with a pumpkin seed sauce. On a scale of not awesome to totally awesome, this tops off at totally awesome. Unfortunately for me, I had already eaten just a bit previously. I told Judith I couldn't finish my rather sizable plate of rice, pipian, noodles, served with tortillas. I said that it was great but I was full. She offered to take my plate away for me but I insisted that I'd continue to pick at it. She relented because I said I didn't want her mom to ask me if I didn't like it. Later, my plate didn't get completely finished. Judith's mom saw my plate and immediately asked Judith to ask me if I didn't like it. I tried to assure her that I did, but I had just eaten. I'm not sure if she believed me.

It's just something about moms and food, I guess. I would have backed off the burger, had I known and had a chance to do it all over again. But it was a good learning experience. I learned to starve myself whenever Judith's grandmother was in town.

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