Saturday, February 28, 2009

Nixon-esque Library of AIM Conversations

2000-2004 (RIP).

Whenever I had an "important" conversation on AIM I used to save it, with a naming scheme to quickly identify the who and the what. This came in handy whenever I wanted to brood on the specifics of what was said and try to pick apart why it was phrased as such. I got good at that.

How horrible a friend was I to have to dissect what we said? When such friends became not friends it angered me. I'd try to trace the shifts via the records. Should have seen that coming. It was never good to ruminate on that much animosity, but it was how I did. It was comforting because it was familiar.

Of course, having a record like that was useful for other reasons. It was good material to use against people at times. And since it was AIM, you could do some creative editing and present it convincingly enough to piss someone else off if it was advantageous to me at the time.

Case in point: goading Brandon into calling Cameron a name, and then promptly telling Cameron as such. It was a good way to tip the scales my way. Of course, I got a stick thrown at me for it, but the ends justify the means.

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