Sunday, March 01, 2009

My Cat Skinny


I am a cat person. Cats were once revered as deities by the Egyptians. This is obvious in modern day descendants' behavior. Whereas a dog is brought food by a person, he would think, "Oh, he must be a god!" a cat, on the other hand is brought food and thinks, "Oh, I must be a god!"

My first pet was a shorthaired gray and black tabby we named Skinny. This was not an ironic name to start but as with the other members of the household, his belly grew to fit in.

Skinny and I didn't always get along. We had an understanding that while we didn't like each other, we'd stay out of each other's way. When I was at school he would sleep on my bed. When I got in he would leave.

We didn't always have such civility. When I was around 5, I decided he needed a haircut. I grabbed my safety scissors and started trimming. I told my mom that his white hairs on his face were too long. She got upset at me. But how was I to know he needed his whiskers to ... sense stuff?

I'm still a cat person, but pets generally don't like me. Dogs smell my evil and try to warn others. Cats see me as competition because of my ego. Yet, we still have 4.

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