Saturday, March 07, 2009


2006. And on and on and on and on.

The measurement of friendship is a hard thing to objectify. Does one friend have more utility than another sure? Robby's my offline Wikipedia, but if I ever needed an illogical paradox that is humanity's only hope to stave off the rise of the machines by causing their circuits to short, then Sentell's my man. However, at the end of 2006 Robby gave us all a new way to codify friendship. It wasn't a theory he espoused but it came to be as a direct result of him.

The measure of friendship is how much money you're willing to shell out to do stuff with them. Sounds simple, almost dumb, eh? Well, so's strumming on a small plastic guitar with 5 brightly colored buttons.

One night, Robby brought over his Guitar Hero 2 disc and his guitar and we proceeded to rock out and have the most fun brought to us via videogame format as well. With this rockening in mind, I couldn't wait until my next hit for very long. The week-long wait when Robby would bring his kit became unbearable. By Christmas I bought my own set. Freebird remains one of the top boss fights of all time.

Regardless of skill level, we always had a blast playing Guitar Hero. Cooperatively, competively (which is redundant to say because of Contest Theory), and just watching, good times were had by the lots of us. We learned key concepts such as "Yellow is not blue" and sometimes not even star power can save you.

Robby remains the best guitarist out of the lot of us, but I can give him a run for his money time and again. It's okay, though, because he's a robot and he's programmed that way.

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