Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Spirit of Houston Cougar Marching Band: The Time I Almost Got Kicked Out of Band

A little backstory for this one: our band director was on the warpath around October of 2003. Saturday was game day, baby, and we had important practices on Friday evening and Saturday morning. The Friday before this game, Herr Direktor kicked someone out of band. This poor soul "talked back" to the director, a mortal sin. The director responded by telling him to get off the field and not to come back. The band was either a majority music major or just about music major majority by this point. This day was pivotal since the non-majors really felt as if we were no longer needed.

The day of the game it was rainy. Not raining, per se, but rainy. We were given our water ponchos, a bright yellow, monstrous affair, to protect our wool uniforms. When we started on our traditional parade to the stadium it was rainy. At the completion of the parade, I think less than 1% of the band had brought their ponchos. The director was irate. When the director yelled at us, "Why did you think we gave them out today!?"

What happened next was mostly reflex, honestly. I was a smartass and saying things as a flippant and humorous response was natural. So I said, too loud, much louder than I had intended, "Because I paid for it last year."

The director barked out, "WHO SAID THAT!?"

I did the only responsible thing: hide. I didn't want to get kicked out of band, after all. After about 5 seconds of uncomfortable silence and trying to make it look like I was apalled at the gall of an individual to make such a comment. The director then moved on. I'm pretty sure he never found out it was me and if he had, that would've been the end of my band career.

Good times.

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