Friday, March 13, 2009


College was an interesting time. So, back to the past of 2002.

In English Composition II, I met a ... let's call her relativist because that's what she called herself. I was freshman and in my first semester, I was just getting used to non-high school classes and classmates.

Her name was Reesa. I could take a stab at her last name, but I don't think I'm remembering it right. She was an interesting person. She never wore shoes and worked as a Celtic dancer. She had a very offbeat way of viewing things. I liked it. As did our professor. We quickly rose to the top of the class with our incisive and distinctive writing styles.

Everything is relative. Of course, that's an absolute statement and therefore false; however, it worked for her. And I knew it would never work for me. Reesa was one person I didn't really compete with in a class which was small and somewhat competitive at least in terms of the paper writing. After class, we would sometimes catch some lunch together and talk about stuff in our weird ways. One day walking through the UC, she cut her foot. That also sealed the deal for me on always wearing shoes.

She taught me a toast I use to this day:

Here's a health to the company
And one to my lass
Let us drink and be merry
All out of one glass
Let us drink and be merry
All grief to refrain
For we shall or shall never
All be here again

After English Comp, I lost track of her. I wonder what she's up to.

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