Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Millions of Peaches

In 1998, I started high school, that lovable time when everything sucks and the world is stupid and you hate everyone and everyone's stupid and you're stupid and everything's so important because it's like the end of the world if x, y, and z happens but it's okay because if it does, you'll just play it off like you don't care and all.

Anyway, I took the bus to school. It was a fairly long ride. Sometimes I'd sit next to the girl I liked whom I had met in grade school, but was a year ahead of me.

She and I were contentious at times, but again I liked her and she didn't like me that way so on it went. One day after a tiff or whatever, she ended a conversation as the bus pulled into the school by saying, "You know, you remind me of a peach."

I spent the rest of the day baffled, wondering what the Hell she meant. That was ... more than a decade ago. Yeah, still not sure there.

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