Friday, April 24, 2009

Movie Bet

2002, Sentell and I were enjoying my lunch one day in high school. We were talking about movies, which was appropriate in preparation for our 5th period class: Analysis of Visual Media (read: Film History).

Lunch discussion has topics ranging from things like me saying, "Hey, give me back my food," to things like Sentell, "The Bible is pro-Satan," with requisite faulty reasoning, to things like bad movies. We were talking about Mortal Kombat: The Movie. That led invariably to discussion of Mortal Kombat: The Unnecessary Sequel.

What it boiled down to was that he thought Christopher Lambert was in both movies as Raiden. I knew this was not the case. He was sure of his side, I sure of mine. So, we made a bet. I think the bet was for all the loose change we managed to scrounge up: $0.79.

We walked purposefully into 5th period and asked the teacher, "Was Christopher Lambert in both Mortal Kombat movies?" He thought about it and answered in the negative. Sentell handed over the change and said, "Huh. I thought he was."

That pretty much set the tone for other stupid bets to make: all for silly things and all for trivial amounts of money.

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