Sunday, April 12, 2009

Chicken Cheesesteak Shot

I am not a gambling man. In a poker game, I can usually clean up, given a fair deck and long enough to read people. When it comes to the ponies, craps, or all that jazz, what's the point?

I learned this lesson early on.

In the 90s, I liked ordering food from the local pizza joints. We had two really good places just a few blocks from the house: Folcroft Pizza and Italian Style. A favored after school activity was playing basketball. For awhile we had a basktball poll behind the house. Then my neighbor did.

In 7th grade Bob was over. We went outside to play some basketball. I'm less sure of the buildup to this, but I'm sure we at least played Horse. Then, after making a few difficult distance shots, he set up to attempt a shot from two houses over. Well, after some bravado from both sides, he said that he bet me a chicken cheesesteak from Italian Style that he could make it.

What were the odds, neh?

We ordered food. Bob really enjoyed that free cheesesteak. Afterward we dubbed the spot of the shot the dreaded chicken cheesesteak shot. Bob had the best shooting average from that spot, by a longshot.

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