Friday, April 10, 2009

The Sweetest Milkshake

Back in the day, I had a habit of catching midnight showings of movies. This was mostly to accommodate my friends' schedules and to get to watch movies in more peace than at the prime showings with plenty of teenagers. This also went well for big releases, since we'd catch the first showing.

After the movie, we would go to a diner, often the nearby Denny's, and eat. Depending on how much money I had, I'd have breakfast and a milkshake, or just a milkshake, or just water. In 2006, Denny's briefly had a promotion where employees would wear a sticker saying, "If I don't offer an appetizer, it's free." There were other stickers offering specific appetizers, or their ghastly fruit drink things, or a milkshake.

So one night, after seeing whichever movie, I was at Denny's with J. and Sentell. I had planned to order a milkshake. J. and Sentell ordered their food and then I didn't order anything. The server started to walk away when I said, "You didn't offer us a milkshake, so it's free, right?" The server was wearing the milkshake sticker and seemed to have forgotten about that. He quickly took it off afterward and then tried to say that milkshakes are for dessert. I didn't buy it.

When J.'s and Sentell's food came, there was my chocolate milkshake. It was probably spit in, but it was delicious.

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