Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Of my four names, I got to pick one.

I did chose my pseudonym, though. It was 1998, and shortly after I saw Saving Private Ryan in the fancy theater in Delaware, and I was playing WWF Warzone with my friends. We created wrestlers so we could fight each other without having to fight each other.

My wrestler was a fearsome sight: a clown. He was a bit of a badass clown, but still the most fear-inspiring monster on earth.

His first name was easy: Willem. His stage name? "Clown Fixer." The last name? Ah, there was the rub. I went with Nomandy, like the town, but no. Nomandy. I really liked the ring to it. It was also easy to get to Nomad from there. I was on to something.

Thus the first part of my pseudonym was in place.

Santo's easier. Santo was my brother's nickname, since everyone liked him and he was a saint.

I still sign my compositions with Nomandy Santo.

My strip name was awesome. Maybe I should start going by that more often.

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